Good day dear blog readers, listeners, followers ¡y todos los amantes de la musica Cubana!
Something that I like doing for this blog is searching the web for new and (yet) unknown talents from Cuba and elsewhere, making interesting Cuban music.
So, today I wish to share a nice Timba composition, released earlier this year, by the Cali based group of Jeimy Castillo.
Jeimy is the band’s lead vocal, and also composes the lyrics; Jeffry Obando, the bassist, is also the arranger and producer, and Guiro player Pablo Cortes also mixes and records the studio compositions.
Other members include Camilo Rengifo on Timbal, Drum kit and Bata Drums, John Paul Avila on Congas, Victor Gonzales playing the Piano, Cristian Munoz and Andy Rodriguez on trumpets, Richard Estela and Camilo Maestre playing trombones, Frank Alexis Renteria on the tenor saxophone and last but not least, back vocals \ chorus by Jhojan Olave, Heryb Bonilla and Jordan Vasquez.
With a great groove, rhythm, Bata drum percussion, and the mighty voice of Jeimy, among other things, I think that this band is on the correct path to Timba success.
So, here is the composition for today…
Y como siempre… ¡seguimos disfrutando la musica Cubana!